Free companion iPhone App to “Eat Real Vietnamese Food”
We are pleased to announce that “Eat Real Food (Vietnam)” is now available through the Apple App Store.
No more returning from a grocery expedition
only to realize that you forgot a key ingredient!
No more wandering in the store,
pondering what to cook for your guests!
No more drifting in a daze, trying to figure out
the difference between “rice sticks” and “rice noodles”!
With this free app, your ingredient list and meal ideas are always at hand, wherever you go. The hunt for ingredients in the Asian supermarket is done quickly and efficiently.
Vietnamese cuisine notoriously requires a lot of ingredients. With a single tap, you can add all you need for a dish to your shopping list.
Eliminate from the list what you already have. In the store, check off the ingredients as you get them.
Look-up unfamiliar ingredients in the comprehensive exotic ingredient dictionary.
Also use the app for your generic shopping lists. Many normal items already listed. Add your own as needed.
How the App works:
Select a dish from Eat Real Vietnamese Food.
Select the number of servings. Uncheck ingredients you don’t need. Press to add all the necessary ingredients to your shopping list.
In the store, check items in your shopping list as you put them in your cart.
The App also contains an comprehensive illustrated dictionary of Vietnamese ingredients, which you can always take with you, so you can shop in the Asian grocery store with confidence.
Select an ingredient.
See large pictures of said ingredient.
Read detailed info about the ingredient.
How to get the App: (For now only iPhone, iPad, iPod are supported. Android version soon to come…)